The Campaign goal is $25 million, which is the total amount of the project.
How will ESBCY raise the funds?
We have launched a private sector capital campaign, the largest capital campaign in the history of ESBCY in Canada. The three-year campaign will involve strategic appeals to a wide range of donors at many giving levels, including individuals, business and government.
How long will it take to raise the funds?
It is anticipated that it will take between two and three years to raise the necessary funds.
When will Camp be ready?
It is anticipated that construction preparation will begin in the fall of 2024 with construction start scheduled for the summer of 2025 for one year.
Will ESBCY be seeking government funding for this project?
Yes. We received a generous grant commitment of $7 million from the Province of British Columbia.
Are there naming opportunities if I/my company make a gift?
Yes. There are a number of naming opportunities to recognize donor contributions in the new camp beginning at $25,000.
Do I get a tax receipt?
Yes. All gifts will be tax receipted in accordance with the Income Tax Act (Canada).
How can I help?
If you would like to help, please contact Elena Lawson, Campaign Manager, at 250-920-8106 or email
What is the campaign goal?
The Campaign goal is $25 million, which is the total amount of the project.
How will ESBCY raise the funds?
We have launched a private sector capital campaign, the largest capital campaign in the history of ESBCY in Canada. The three-year campaign will involve strategic appeals to a wide range of donors at many giving levels, including individuals, business and government.
How long will it take to raise the funds?
It is anticipated that it will take between two and three years to raise the necessary funds.
When will camp be ready?
It is anticipated that construction preparation will begin in the fall of 2024 with construction start scheduled for the summer of 2025 for one year.
Will ESBCY be seeking government funding for this project?
Yes. We received a generous grant commitment of $7 million from the Province of British Columbia.
Are there naming opportunities if I/my company make a gift?
Yes. There are a number of naming opportunities to recognize donor contributions in the new Camp beginning at $25,000.
Do I get a tax receipt?
Yes. All gifts will be tax receipted in accordance with the Income Tax Act (Canada).
How can I help?
If you would like to help, please contact Mary Lynn Hanson, Campaign Director, at 604.649.4797 or email

Your Investment will be Life-Changing, by Design.
The new Camp Shawnigan represents a bold new vision in response to the rapidly escalating need for inclusive recreation, accessible travel, and affordable respite for families.
I invite you to join us as we invest in the transformation of Camp Shawnigan. Your single act of kindness will make a difference.
Elena Lawson
Manager, Capital Campaign